Thinking Arabic Translation

Thinking Arabic Translation
Par:James Dickins,Sándor Hervey,Ian Higgins
Publié le 2013-06-17 par Routledge

Thinking Arabic Translation is a comprehensive and practical twenty-four-week course in translation method. Clear explanations, discussion, examples and exercises enable students to acquire the skills necessary for tackling a broad range of translation problems. Examples are drawn from a variety of sources, including journalism and politics, legal and technical texts, and literary and consumer-orientated texts. A Tutors' Handbook is also available, which contains invaluable guidance on using the course. For more information, please go to

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ID de livre de Thinking Arabic Translation's Les livres sont -iNrpLM-FIQC, Livre écrit parJames Dickins,Sándor Hervey,Ian Higginsavec ETAG "AyUiEPMdJiw"

Livre publié par Routledge depuis 2013-06-17 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781136401008 et ISBN 10 Code est 1136401008

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Thinking Arabic Translation

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