Dawn Powell

Dawn Powell
Par:Tim Page
Publié le 1999-10-15 par Holt Paperbacks

In Dawn Powell: A Biography, Tim Page explores the fascinating ironies and sad complexities of Powell's life and work. Gore Vidal once referred to her as our best comic novelist, deserving to be as widely read as Hemingway and Fitzgerald. This biography is a celebration of her triumphant rise from the ashes of near oblivion to her establishment among the giants of twentieth-century American literature. Dawn Powell lived in New York City for forty-seven years but always maintained the perspective of a |permanent visitor.| She distilled this into her many poems, stories, articles, plays, and her dizzying and inventive novels.

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ID de livre de Dawn Powell's Les livres sont f2-FPwAACAAJ, Livre écrit parTim Pageavec ETAG "mBWGBrszSzI"

Livre publié par Holt Paperbacks depuis 1999-10-15 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9780805063011 et ISBN 10 Code est 0805063013

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Livre qui ont "384 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieBiography and Autobiography

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Dawn Powell

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