Monokuro Kinderbook

Monokuro Kinderbook
Par:Kan Takahama
Publié le 2003 par Ponent Mom S L

Like the waters of the Minanogawa river, that flows by the crest of the Tsukubane mountain, is accumulated and finishes in an abyss, my secret love has also become a void of deep melancholy. Emperor Yozei (898-949). Very clever, very subtle- even when her words are very direct. [b]Kan Takahama[/b] tackles a wide variety of delicate subjects in this collection of short stories including a lovers' pact, bar room chat, mermaids and child pornography. She does so with a robust yet delicate grace in her artwork that moves along with the strong scripts to enhance and entrance the reader. Probably the most talented manga-ka to have recently emerged from Japan, her art and storytelling will surprise when least expected.

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ID de livre de Monokuro Kinderbook's Les livres sont WTSxPAAACAAJ, Livre écrit parKan Takahamaavec ETAG "xl4x1txZpNw"

Livre publié par Ponent Mom S L depuis 2003 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9788493309398 et ISBN 10 Code est 8493309397

Le mode lecture dans l’état du texte est false et le mode lecture dans l’état de l’image false

Livre qui ont "202 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieComics and Graphic Novels

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Monokuro Kinderbook

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